who THE F*** is this ?!
Wednesday 9 May 2012 | 08:09 | 0 comments

[ p/s : aq mw wt pnjg2 ny post… hoho ]

cis...baju mengantoikan aq...haha

who who who . . . ?! haha
ad org sbnr nya dlm pic aq tuh . . . tp try2 edit en….
nmpk cam secret skettt...
Begagar juga kali ah aq 1st tym gna itu photoshop~
Klo scra kronology nya mcm ny la…

tym google search tgk cara2 mw buat...

tym mengedit

tym magnetic lasso tool tu jd buduh..
akhirnya berjaya....

A secret ! . . . idea aq mw wt blog kn tercetus 3s just before pic ny kena snap . . .  tu dgn fast motion nya aq wt muka cmtu . . . hoho
Based on the pic…aq otometik tau tu mcD spicy chic mcdeluxe set kecil . . .
PRO gla  aq !!!!

Siapakah gerangan yg memegang mcD  take away itu . . . ? ?
No! I won’t tell u now~ no..! hoho

Tp en….
Mw d jadikn cerita….1st tym jmpa this person , , ,
Aq nda tau laa apa jadi sma aq….
Aq tepegun!!!

Xda la…actually . . .
me jz becoming  myself . . .
Padahal 1st tym jmpa uhhh~ tp mcm rapat pula suda..

Pelik bin ajaib binti heran

Tp based on experiences, , ,  u can feel from the bottom of ur heart . . .
That person . .
Completely different from other peoples u may know……
I can ensure u . . .
Not to over talk about . . .
but from my point of view . . the person can be expressed as . . .

. . .  PURE HEARTED . . .

* Ops….harap dy nda baca ny post… mati aq…hoho *

> > > Anyhow  < < <

Aq suda jnji juga dgn dy…
Aq akan bimbing dy stakat yg aq mampu , , ,
Weh . .  bkn bimbing apa…jz some ADVICES ok…hoho
Im not a good , , either special for that person , , ,
But trust me , ,  at least . .
There’s someone there for u whenever or however u are . . .

Andai kata. . .
dy mau pergi tanpa aq.. . . .
Aq redha . . .
Tp harap segala bekalan nasihat aq cukup . . .
Sebagai catatan dy d masa hadapan. . . hoho

Dy akan menjadi penutup bg aq . . .
. . . Until sudah tiba masa nya . . .

*Ok stop merepek….sekian dr aq . . . smile olways*
